if you can figure out how you think - and I mean not what you think but the deepest subconscious rules that structure all of your thoughts [furthermore, by "figuring out how you think" I don't mean contemplating all of these ideas and choosing one with which to agree. rather, I mean discovering the thought patterns to affect your thought below the
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my brain's working all funny because I'm reading a clockwork orange and it's written all in nadsat, a russified sort of slang english. I want to call everything horrowshow and talk about creeching me little head off, my glassies all horrorshow big in my litso. that sounds dirty and I like it
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I'm in love with flannery o'connor. she's me, sixty-two years ahead and a thousand times more brilliant. I mean that totally humbly; I'm well aware that I'm the cheap poster in the museum gift shop to her prize painting in the collection, but still. I feel like I have barely a kernel of her scope as far as brilliance is concerned, but I get her. we
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